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    Specific two problems faced in Dredge pump operation

    Before moving on to estimating the design parameters of ‘your’ slurry pump, an extremely crucial step is being familiar with the material that needs to be transported. Therefore, estimation of pH and temperature of the slurry, the specific gravity of slurry and concentration of solids in the slurry is the first crucial step towards the direction of ‘your’ ideal pump selection.

    Dredge pump or slurry pump selection could be a challenging process which could be simplified with the understanding of the primary factors behind smooth pump operation.Apart from delivering a more efficient performance,the right dredge pump requires lesser maintenance,reduced power and has a relatively longer life.


    Due to an extremely varied grain size distribution of materials handled by dredge pumps clogging of the suction or discharge of the pumps is a damaging phenomenon which leads to expensive maintenance procedures and more importantly high downtime. Our patented technology at EDDY pump has a high tolerance of sizes of materials handled, with a capacity to handle sizes as large as 9 inches. The open rotor design lets anything which can go through the inlet pass through the discharge without any setbacks.


    Massively abrasive nature of slurry’s solid particles causes an enormous amount of wear and tear in pumps. Due to the harsh environments in which slurry pumps operate, EDDY pump gives utmost importance to use the finest material for the impeller, seal, and casing to prolong the lifetime of the pump.