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    Possible faults and removal for SP sump pump




    Pump fails to discharge any liquid.

    Incorrect direction of pump rotation and impeller worn. Suction pipe blocked.

    Check direction of rotation and replace a new impeller.

    Power   consumption on shaft is excessive.

    Rotating component is rubbing on a stationary part.

    Bearings worn.

    Drive belt tension too tight.

    Flow rate too large.

    Pump speed and ratio too high.

    Misalignment or unparallel of drive shaft and pump shaft.

    Removal the rub.


    Replace the bearing.

    Adjust belt.

    Modify the pump duty and speed.

    Adjust drive and pump shaft.

    Bearing is over heating.


    Lubricants too much or less.

    Containing impurities in the lubricant.

    Bearing worn.

    Lubricating as requirements.

    Replace clean lubricant.


    Replace new bearing.

    Bearing has short life.

    Misalignment or unparallel of drive and pump motor.

    Shaft bent.

    Impeller unbalanced due to wear.


    Foreign object entered into the bearing or insufficient lubrication.

    Incorrect procedure followed in fitting bearings.

    Adjusting drive and pump shaft.


    Replacing shaft.

    Remove rubbing and replace new impeller.

    Clean the bearing.


    Replace or refit the bearings.

    Pump vibrates or is noisy.

    Bearings worn.

    Impeller unbalanced.

    Air entered into suction pipe or blocked.

    Flow rate is nonuniform and pump not primed.

    Replaced by new bearings.

    Replaced by new impeller.

    Discharge air and remove block.


    Improve on the pump feeding:

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